Shufflepuck cafe tv tropes
Shufflepuck cafe tv tropes

shufflepuck cafe tv tropes

Armor Is Useless: The enemies come in many varieties some sporting basic uniforms, others use power armor, and still others pilot ten foot tall mini-mecha.Arbitrary Gun Power: When you're on foot, all non-explosive weapons do more or less the same amount of damage, and are also roughly equal for accuracy the only variable is the firing rate.Anime Opening Parody: "Negai" ("Wish"), by Miho Nemoto.A Mech by Any Other Name: Mobile Combat Armours, MCA for short.Aloof Big Brother: It is implied that Toshiro was one for Sanjuro in the past, in the ending, further proof of how hard it will be to reconnect as he recovers from his brainwashing.Also, in one ending, Ryo fights you in a custom version of the Shogo advanced MCA with significantly more health than normal. Ace Custom: Uziel drives a unique version of the heavy MCA armed with a ridiculously large BFG.Absurdly-Spacious Sewer: One sewer tunnel that the player can walk around in, and an air ventilation facility that accommodates MCAs.Absurdly Short Level: The level "Baku" is just a short elevator ride where, after a few seconds, a really easy boss shows up, and, as soon as you kill him, the level just ends (the cutscene at the start is probably longer than the level itself!).The game was later rereleased by Unfortunately for Monolith, a certain other game, also featuring an immersive story, came out a month and a half later and most people promptly lost interest in Shogo, effectively killing off both planned expansion packs and any chance for a sequel (although the main story was wrapped up pretty well, so follow-up games may not have been strictly necessary). Shogo was promoted by Monolith as one of the first First-Person Shooter games to focus heavily on story instead of just mindless blasting, and indeed there is quite a lot of dialogue in the game as well as a point near the end where the story progression and final set of levels are determined by a choice the player makes. The game is notable for allowing both the player and enemies to inflict critical hits on each other, which both inflict extra damage and restore the attacker's health. However, the mecha levels play just like a standard on-foot First-Person Shooter, just on a larger scale and different weapons (and a "vehicle mode" which lets the mecha travel faster at the expense of being unable to fire). Gameplay-wise, Shogo features levels where Sanjuro is on foot as well as missions where he pilots one of four Humongous Mecha, which run the gamut from Fragile Speedster to Mighty Glacier. However, as events unfold around Sanjuro and he becomes entangled in the agendas of multiple factions and individuals, he suspects that there is more to the war than meets the eye. Sanjuro's commanding officer, Admiral Nathaniel Akkaraju (who also happens to be Kura's father) gives him the assignment of infiltrating the Fallen-controlled city of Avernus and assassinating their leader, Gabriel. By the time the game begins, Sanjuro has already lost his brother Toshiro, girlfriend Kura, and friend Baku to an attack by a terrorist group called the Fallen. The story follows Sanjuro Makabe, a commander in the United Corporate Authority army, in the war for planet Cronus and its Applied Phlebotinum, called Kato, which makes Faster-Than-Light Travel possible and can be used as a weapon. While the game was American-made, its main influence was the Humongous Mecha genre of anime and manga, especially Real Robot series such as Gundam, Patlabor, and Appleseed. It was notable for being the first game to use the Lithtech Game Engine, which (through various upgrades and tinkering naturally) would later be used to develop other noted Monolith titles such as No One Lives Forever, F.E.A.R., and even the recent Mordor titles.

shufflepuck cafe tv tropes

Shogo: Mobile Armor Division is a First-Person Shooter developed and published by Monolith Productions in 1998.

Shufflepuck cafe tv tropes